cities   Share → Tweet

Slowing down the city / ralentir la ville

by / par Gilles Clément                                         (You can find the english version on this link)   Pour le colloque « Ralentir la ville » du 30 janvier 2010 Un espace-temps recyclable Ralentir c’est donner à l’étirement du temps et de l’espace une valeur supérieure à toute autre valeur acquise par la contraction de l’espace et du temps. La valeur de cet étirement n’est pas perceptible par tous. La réduction du temps... Read The Rest →

rectangular survey

”Like bees or ants or other well-organized societies, Americans, once they fixed upon the rectangular survey, were inflexible in their devotion to the idea.”  Vernon Carstensen in ‘Patterns on the American Land’   “I have supposed it practicable to prevent its generation by building our cities on a more open plan. Take, for instance, the checker board for a plan. Let the black squares only be building squares, and the white ones be left open, in turf and trees. Every square of houses will be surrounded by four open squares... Read The Rest →


“It’s a puzzle which no city, I would suggest, has figured out.” Share → Tweet